Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lines on your Fax?

Ever wonder where those lines come from? Or better yet, how to get rid of them? First lets find out which fax is the problem, yours or the other guys. Use your fax machine and make a copy. Does the copy have lines? If not guess what... The lines are the other guys problem! If the copy has lines, use the menu functions on your fax and print out a help page, or an activity report. Does the print have lines? If not look at the "slit" glass in the feeder portion of your fax machine. The "slit" glass is the narrow piece of glass in the document feeder. Chances are something is on the slit glass. The usual culprit is whiteout. If the print has lines then take out the cartridge or "drum" in your machine. Look at the drum, clean? or dirty? If it has lines change it. If it is ok the fax machine probably needs a good cleaning. Hope the tip helps keep the headaches down and the faxes clean. :)

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